Unveiling Mount Akioud: The Ultimate High Atlas Hiker’s Guide
Unveiling Mount Akioud: The Ultimate High Atlas Hiker’s Guide

Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains, adorned with a multitude of awe-inspiring peaks, beckon adventurous hikers to explore their rugged beauty and conquer challenging trails. Among these magnificent summits, Mount Akioud stands tall, a hidden jewel of the Toubkal National Park. This comprehensive guide is your…

Toubkal Mountain: A full guide before climbing 
Toubkal Mountain: A full guide before climbing 

Toubkal Mountain, standing tall at 4,167 metres (13,671 feet) in the High Atlas Mountains, is Morocco’s highest peak. It’s a precious destination for hikers and nature lovers. This article uncovers its beauty, reveals climbing durations, explores its ever-changing weather, and offers essential hiking tips….